There are many misconceptions about joining a boat club. Here’s where we bust them!
MYTH: “I will not be able to get a boat whenever I want one.”
At Freedom Boat Club, you have total control of your boating. We have a state-of-the-art online reservation system that allows you to pick the boat, date, time, and location you want to go boating. You can book boats 24 hours in advance, and up to 6 months in advance. Within 24 hours you can simply pick up the phone and call the dock to check availability. If the boat is available, it is yours.
MYTH: “Clubs with too many members will run out of available boats.”
As Freedom Boat Club’s membership grows, we simply add more boats! FBC keeps a strict ratio of a boat for every eight new members— across the USA from California to New York to Florida, and in Canada, too— we have a boat for you!
MYTH: “I can’t join a club if I don’t know how to drive a boat.”
No problem! Freedom Boat Club provides unlimited training by certified Coast Guard Captains who are available at all locations. FBC also offers Offshore Training and Unlimited Local Orientation when members travel to other locations.
MYTH: “Clubs don’t let members have a boat 2 days in a row.”
At Freedom Boat Club, you can reserve a specific boat up to 4 days in a row, and it doesn’t have to be returned each night!
MYTH: “There is no point in starting boating because I don’t know any other boaters.”
Freedom Boat Club is as much a social club as it is a boating organization. FBC organizes many social events for our members so you can make new friends with similar interests. Each location will host a mixture of dock parties, fishing seminars, dinner cruises, island cruises, sunset cruises, special charters, or a “Boating Buddies Program”, all designed to connect you with other members!
MYTH: “It is hard to get a boat at the other locations that I don’t normally boat out of.”
All you need to do is request in advance, and you can be boating in any Freedom Boat Club location!
MYTH: “All the boats in a club must be old and in poor condition.”
Freedom Boat Club purchases new boats and rotates the fleet every 2 to 3 years.
MYTH: “I won’t use the club enough to make it worth my while.”
In fact, members of the Freedom Boat Club get out on the water more often than people who own their boats! You know our boats are going to start, and because it is so easy, you will go for just a couple of hours, if that is all you have. Boating doesn’t have to be an all-day event as a Freedom Boat Club member.